Saturday 14 December 2013

Melbourne love.

Melbourne is easily my most favourite city that I've been to, not that I've been to a whole lot of places or anything.
Shopping, food, architecture and urban planning - everything is just so well done.

We arrive in Melbourne and decide to catch the visitor bus to visit the National Gallery of Victoria. Since a fun run was being hosted, part of the visitor shuttle bus route was closed so we had to walk past Flinders Street station and Federation Square, easily the most recognisable landmark in Melbourne.

We took this opportunity to catch a few snaps of the station!

And of course the pleasure of seeing the mucky Yarra again!

We came across a market of hand crafted goods along the way to the National Gallery of Victoria.
Art, fashion, food, beauty products lined the sidewalk - thats the thing I love about Melbourne: there's so much culture and life in the city, even on a normal day.

I also picked up a little souvenir for my wall from one of the stalls...

It's a view of the Yarra and the side of Flinder St Station looking from the opposite bank, I thought it was quite an intricate piece of water colour work.

We also visited the Melbourne zoo, which has a huge range of different animals, particularly in the reptile department. Can you believe that I've never seen a snake before?

And an image pool of food from Melbs..

The giant strawberries and fruit were from the Queen Victoria Markets, which is a huge market with a lot of stalls - food, fruits, fashion, toys, souvenirs etcetc. I do love Melbourne.

Yep. And of course more waffles. Who could resist these cute shipping container stalls?

We went to the Eureka Tower in Southbank, the tallest building in Australia and the world's tallest residential building, measuring 297 metres. We went up 88 floors onto the Eureka Tower Skydeck and got to see all of Melbourne, which seemed to go on forever.

I could see how this city is voted most liveable in the world. The city is well planned, transport is convenient even for tourists, Melbournians are generally very helpful and nice. Which brings me to my next topic..

For the past month I've been losing sleep over the fact that I'm applying for my My Master in Architecture degree, and the uncertainty of where I'll end up next year. I've applied for University of Auckland, Unitec, Victoria University and University of Melbourne.

I'm pleased to say that I have been accepted to Unitec and the University of Melbourne thus far, but I have a decision to make by Christmas, and the decision is highly dependent on whether or not the University of Auckland will offer me a place in their masters program. I would very much love the opportunity to live in Melbourne and the only reasons I would stay in Auckland would be for my family and friends.

Ugh. Decisions..


Thursday 14 November 2013

sales, nailed it.


Short and sweet post about new nail colours I picked up today!

From left to right: 
  • My Address is Hollywood: A slightly shimmery dull warm pink
  • It's a Grape Fit: Self explanatory really
  • The It Colour: Warm goldy yellow
  • The Thrill of Brazil: Standard Red nailpolish
These are normally $26.50 NZD ea from Farmers (hint: normally I'd get them cheaper off eBay).
However due to the mass sale they have on everything (really, when is Farmers not having a sale?) every nail colour from the OPI range is buy 1 get 1 free. I know i have waaayyyy too many nail colours already but who could say no to this?!

My whole OPI collection thus far..
Isn't this just so LSP?


Wednesday 13 November 2013

art in the dark.


So after a Korean dinner one night with the guys, we were invited to go to art in the dark with them at Western Park in Ponsonby. It's an annual light show by artists and designers all around New Zealand held during the night in a steep park. There are some interesting concepts and ideas and it was reminiscent of the 2012 LUXCITY event in Christchurch, which we participated in (our group was "Altitude"!).

Unfortunately due to only being equipped with an iPhone camera, these shots are a little iffy, but it was a great display and no pictures would do the event justice!

My favourite was the field of illuminated 'flowers', it was magical! Unfortunately 200 other people thought so too so it was hard to get a good shot of the whole display :(

I joked to my friends that these guys looked like the victims of giant spiders in the game World of Warcraft!


Feeling a little bit blue lately... and we all know that calls for retail therapy. Came across some pretty great deals!!

This cute cross pattern summer dress from Cotton-On, $19.95 NZD.

Navy dress from Cotton-On, also $19.95 NZD. Not sure what the pattern is supposed to be, urchins...?
Dress paired with a loose white print top from Factorie $16.95 NZD

And from Mirrou again, Striped Shirt $7.50 NZD and Knitted Loose top at $17.50 NZD.
50% sale still on apparently!!

Going to Melbourne on Sunday. More shopping to be done there! 
